#SundayinMyOffice•Health, Walking is the best way to be
healthy45+IT20•FMD 121(-27)/365+Smart Movebell 3,015(Total 10,217kcal)+Brompton R226km(+C+E) in SEOUL, wTOTAL 4,119Kcal
14,839steps_0902/15,635_0903/12,976_0904/15,135_0905/9,299_0906/7,813_0907/12,284_0908, Total 87,981steps>USD 8.8+have made a donation for 44weeks/USD 61(w23) for 5 weeks by Brompton, Total USD 496.3
(more_than10000steps_and_10km_bybike_a_day+donate USD1) to 2016RewardCenter for 'young entrepreneurs' in Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Mongolia including ethnic Korean living in China •Republic of KOREA
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